she had some afternoon appointments so i stayed in and caught up on some stuff and worked on some music. also got started on laundry!
when anna got back, i gave her a brief WT lesson before we went to meet up with Robin, Jon, Inez, Ming, Doris, et al for a barbecue in Lion Mountain (EDIT: i think it's called something else... Nine Mountain park? OH--and we saw wild MONKEYS!) Park. I had met all of the aforementioned named people in Hungary four months ago, so it was great to see everyone together again. Besides them and me and anna, there were another 9 people, all WingTsun students/instructors.
after a bit of time getting the fire started, we got to finally cook and eat! my fave was bratwurst (that i picked out) since it reminded me of eating them during my childhood in Wisconsin when my dad would BBQ them. i was seriously full after 20 or 30 minutes, but everyone else seemed to keep eating. and eating. and eating. from around 7:30 PM 'til around 11 PM! i wanted to eat more, but simply had no where to put the food.
lots of pics were taken (esp. by MakYu), so i'll try to post some when i get them.
EDIT: here's a group pic that was taken that i had Makyu send me first before i got the rest of the photos:

i'll also fill in details more when i get pics. :P
EDIT: I must comment on how lame is; it lets you download large video files (300 MB - 1 GB+) , but only when you attempt to watch it do you realize you have to PURCHASE the rights to watch it. LAME. try being a little more user friendly and have us BUY the rights before we waste time downloading the file.
I apologise on behalf of Wimbledon!
Good final though right???
AMAZING final...
like, wow.
i didn't pay attention to every point. it was too much.
now i wanna see Nadal play Fed in Wii-tennis! how cool would that be?!
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