It was a particularly hot and sunny day. The sun and clear skies were welcome since it was beautiful out, but the heat wasn't necessarily as welcome. Had lunch at a vegetarian restaurant within the Po Lim Monastery, which was surprisingly filling. Then made the trek up to see the big Buddha.
i'll upload some pics and add more later, but gotta run now. :)
EDIT: photo above is me giving buddha some love (high five!)
wow, you went up the billions of steps in the heat and humidity to get to the buddha? Impressive! I take it the cable car is still not working?
wow, so weird to see this pic. I just did it in April!
and after you gave the big buddha the high five, was the big buddha totally pumped up or what?
eric--nope, cable car still not working.
chris--nope, the big buddha was his good old buddhist self.
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