Friday, February 16, 2007


stealing an article from chris' blog, but with a different focus—Pete and Andre are friends: Q&A: Pete Sampras

SI: How often do you talk to Andre Agassi?
Sampras: I talked to him a little after the U.S. Open. He invited my wife and me to his foundation dinner so we went and talked and hung out. We promised each other we would stay in touch. I think we have been through too much together and do get along quite well. We both have a wife and two kids. We have a lot in common at this stage in our lives.
SI: Would you describe you and Agassi as friends today?
Sampras: I would. Not anything where we stay in touch week to week, but if he were ever in L.A. or I were in Las Vegas, I think we would reach out to one another just to get together or have our kids play. The great thing that happened with us is that everything we went through, completing for major titles, I think we came out better friends than when we went into it. It's a credit to who we are and what we represent.

How cool is that? Sampras and Agassi's kids playing together.
"My daddy ALWAYS kicked your daddy's ass."
How long 'til they're competing against each other on the juniors circuit?

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